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If you're in search of your next moving company, here is a great place to stop. Solomon and Sons helped us move a loved one several states away from where they lived. Due to capability limitations, said loved one provided an estimate of goods shipped that was significantly under what was relayed to Solomon and Sons. When I finally got boots on the ground at the location the loved one was leaving behind, I quickly realized the goods estimate was going to be larger than we had projected to the company. I was deeply concerned we'd be hamstrung by this deficiency. Fortunately, Solomon and Sons build padding into any job estimate they do, meaning they assume a higher weight ahead of time so as to avoid surprisingly large charges for the move. If you're under their weight estimate, your bill is less on the back end payment. I doubt I need to explain how that can benefit the client. In the end, the goods for my loved one were moved concisely and with great care, and the planning for pickup and delivery were extremely well-orchestrated by the company and attendants (This in spite of the initial planning deficiencies on the loved one's part). The professionalism of the movers and drivers was superb, the work was done with great care, and the timeliness of the move was spot on. Solomon and Sons are well worth the value their customers pay.

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